How To Repair Samsung FTQ353IWUX Oven Burners Running Too Hot

I am going slightly off topic today but I wanted to post this helpful information in case someone else had this same problem. In early 2012 I went to Lowe’s and purchased new Samsung appliances. One of those appliances was a range. I call it an oven or a stove but apparently it is a […]
Does the Ford Edge use a TIPM?

Ever since launching our Dodge TIPM repair service, we’ve repaired the Trusted Integrated Platform Module for hundreds of Dodge vehicles. Some Dodges, however, have a very crummy TIPM which we do not repair. One of these vehicles is the Dodge Journey. The Journey’s TIPM has no components for us to easily replace. On the Caravan […]
CPAP Sleep Apnea Machine Repair in Raleigh, NC
If you or your significant other have Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) you know how expensive a CPAP machine can be. By doing a quick Google Search you will find that a CPAP machine can be anywhere form $350 to $1500; just as much as a laptop! Over the years, our clients have asked us if instead of […]
We are no longer repairing hoverboards
Once we began offering Hoverboard repair the phone started ringing within 60 minutes. We repaired several, but no hoverboards actually left here. Thank goodness. Hang on to your hoverboards, we predict that a complete recall may be just around the corner. February 19 2016 the Consumer Safety Product Commission (CPSC), a branch of the Federal […]
How To Sell Your Hoverboard
We are not reselling them but we would be happy to have a few here for our own use. If you would like to sell your hoverboard please feel free to contact us today. How To Sell Your Hoverboard For hoverboard sales please do not call or stop in- email us first. Emails are checked […]
IO HAWK Segway Repair
Commonly called “segway” or “hoverboard”, the IO HAWK self balancing scooter breaks down on occasion. When this happens, you need to get the unit repaired. We have spoken to IO Hawk who has informed us that they will not be providing repairs for these machines, nor will they be offering repair parts. But, that is […]
Greensboro NC Hoverboard Repair

This week we had several people come in from Greensboro with a broken self balancing scooter. If you have a broken “hoverboard” please see our detailed hoverboard repair page. We’re about an hour, or 70mi, from Greensboro. Most people have drove these in for a fix but they can be shipped in as well. People […]
Smart Drifterz Hoverboard Repair

Smart Drifterz (Smartdrifterz) self balancing scooters (often called hoverboards) have begun coming in for hoverboard repair. If you have a Smart Drifterz board which needs repair please see our detailed page on dedicated to hoverboard repair. About Smart Drifterz boards: The Smart Drifterz models were sold in late 2015 as the Classic Drifter, Grand Drifterz, […]
Will Hoverboard tricks damage your hoverboard?

On YouTube there are several Hoverboard Tricks style videos popping up. Unfortunately, on some models these tricks lead to damage and you will end up needing a Hoverboard repair. Problems resulting from doing hoverboard tricks vary but the most common problems are damaged motherboard. In many cases a screw comes loose inside the scooter and […]
Vizio USB charging port repair
At Absolute Computers, we have done laptop power jack repairs for over a decade. Now that people use tablets – we are seeing that they are having similar problems with the charging port of the tablet. Today we repaired the USB charging port on a Vizio tablet. So if you have a problem with […]
How To Crack an iPad 2 Password in 5 Seconds
The new iPad 2 has a security flaw. The password can be cracked in 5 seconds. There are limitations (so far) of what you can access once you’re in. Watch this video to see it in action…..
HP PL4260N 42″ Plasma TV Repair
A HP PL4260N 42″ Plasma TV Repair…..
Dell E198FPf LCD Capacitor Replacement
Dell E198FPf LCD Capacitor Replacement…..