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Apex, NC 27519

(919) 468-3999

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We offer data recovery from hard drives when it is simple and when it is hard.  We recently had two different business owners that were referred to us.  One was from Fayetteville and the other from Rocky Mount.  Both had all their vital business information on a hard drive they brought to us – hoping we could recover the data.  The one had been doing regular backups. However his business had burned down. He then determined that the hard drive being used for backups was no longer working.

The second business owner had never done backups. However when his primary computer’s hard drive crashed – he quickly got  very worried.

In both cases, we were able to recover the customer’s data.  For the one, it was heart warming because the multigenerational  family business was going to be able to continue in business without disruption.  The other business was just getting ready to sell their business after a couple of decades.  If this hard drive’s data would not have been recoverable then the sale of the business would probably have fallen through.

Remember that Absolute Computers is here to resolve your business computer issues.

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